Cover-Clad CF is a slip- and stain-resistant epoxy resin based system that is broadcasted with colored flake, resulting in a final sealed textured finish that is very easy to clean. It is designed to provide a functional yet stylish surface. It is installed at a nominal thickness of 1/8″-3-16″. Cover-Clad CF has been developed to enable fast track applications; typically installation time is one day or less, reducing downtimes dramatically.
Epoxy double-broadcast flake floor system
Color Chart
Features & Benefits
- Seamless & Durable
- Extensive design potential
- Attractive decorative finish
- Chemical Resistant
- Easy to Clean & Maintain
- High scratch resistance
- Wear resistant surface for wheeled traffic
- Fast installation
- No odor
Recommended Markets
- Food & Beverage
- Manufacturing
- Pharmaceutical